Fast upcoming rapper Arewa Jagaban is one talented act representing Arewa from Maiduguri. He drops this soul touching video titled Muyi Tunani (Ba a tare).
The song reflects on the need for youths to shun thuggery, terrorism, violence and the need for them to understand that peace is of paramount importance to them rather than being used as weapons for political oppositions.
Arewa Jagaban is also calling out on the society to be everybody's keeper. Muyi Tunani which simply translates to "Let's Think" is a simple phrase that requires us to sit down and recalculate what is good for the existence of humanity.
Arewa Jagaban also preaches on youths to stop engaging in drug related offenses. Nowadays, youths are so engaged in drugs that the nuisance this illicit activity is constituting is at an alarming rate.Kindly watch Muyi Tunani (Ba a tare) by Arewa Jagaban below