If you happen to be one of Nicki Minaj's whopping 83.7 million Instagram followers then God bless ya — we're sure you've been indulging in the sheer beauty just as much as we have!
Frankly speaking, it's pretty impossible to look away as Minaj has been pairing crazy-sexy-stripper-boots with booty-bearing shorts, dresses, and skirts for days! Don't even get us started on her hair! Is there a single color that woman can't pull off?! From short and blonde to long and black — Minaj is The Queen of Versatile Hair Looks.
Yes Gentlemen, we do take notice to such things and so should you! It goes a long way with the ladies, we promise!
While Nicki's pics have been absolute fire lately, she recently dropped one that was even too unsafe for work that we couldn't show it — but you can check out her Instagram here to see it, you dirty devil, you. Before you go ahead and do that, be sure to look at all of the still fire (mostly safe for work) ones we've provided for you first! Don't blame us, Fellas! We're just following the rules — a sentiment that Minaj has zero issue with ignoring.
It's pretty commonplace on Instagram for people to steer clear of posting too much booty or cleavage. Nudity is a solid no-go and female nipples, yeah, well, not gonna happen! Minaj apparently said to hell with all that and hey! All the more power to her. If a woman wants to reclaim her sexuality by flaunting what makes her feel confident and sexy, that's definitely something we can support, admire, and shamelessly drool-over.